100 followers!!! + Q&A + I’m officially a year older?!*throws confetti everywhere*

hey guys! how are ya’ll? I’m doing great 😃

Today is just gonna be a short post but I’m hoping to have my February in review and March bujo post up soon so keep you’re eyes open for that 😃

TODAY. IS. MY. BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy birthday to me!! *Throws confetti all over us all* So far its been a great birthday, My dad woke me up around 6:30 this morning and we went to town and got free coffees! Out where I live, Dutch bros and Blackrock will give you free Birthday coffees and there’s a lot of both those coffee places so we hit a couple of them and ended up with 12 FREE coffees! I’m so sick of coffee now and I have only drank like 2 xD.

I’m giving half of them to my Dad and we’ll drink them in the coming days 🙂 Then we came home and I took a shower, did some school and hung out. Later tonight, I’m going to a banquet/dinner thing with half of my family so I’m excited for that! On a sadder note, My little brother, little sister and mom are all sick with some sort of fevering virus so prayers that they get well quick would be appreciated 🙂

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MY DUDES. I have AMAZING news, its so crazy!

My goal was to reach 100 follows by my birthday and yesterday night, I got my 100th follower! EEEEEKKKKK THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I have loved blogging and the whole blogging community has been so welcoming and kind, u guys are the literal best. If you told me back in November that I would have 100 followers by my birthday, I would have laughed xD. Thank you all so so much! Cant wait to see what happens to this blog in the months and years to come 🙂 ❤️

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So to commemorate my birthday and achieving 100 followers, I decided to do a Q&A! So please, if you can, drop some questions in the comments and I’ll try and answer them soon! I might not answer some questions if their personal and I can’t say but please only ask respectful questions! Lets keep it all good vibes down there 😉 You guys have all been great!

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AND, thats all for today! Hope you enjoyed and i’ll post soon! Thank you all so much for all your support, you guys are AMAZING!!! Give me questions in the comments pleaseeee!

xx, Jasmin

Author: Jasmin@thewriterofletters.com

I'm a teen lifestyle blogger who thrives to live life to the fullest and loves to pen-pal, journal and just have fun 💛

72 thoughts on “100 followers!!! + Q&A + I’m officially a year older?!*throws confetti everywhere*”

  1. Awesome ..just moving around WordPress and I spot this..you got to 100 follows on your bday..that’s really great…( I had to comment though its late)👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    Liked by 2 people

    Omg Jasmin yayyyyy congratulations 😄 You deserve 100 followers and so many more!!
    Ok ok, I got some questions…
    1. Fav food?
    2. Aim in life?
    3. Biggest inspiration?
    4. Fav quote?
    5. Fav outfit?
    6. Fav blogs?
    7. Your best post?
    That’s it! See ya later❤❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That is a LOT of coffee! I’m trying to imagine what would have happened if you tried to drink them all one after another 😂

    Happy Birthday and congratulations on reaching 100 blog followers!!!! It’s so cool that your birthday and this milestone managed to coincide!!!

    Ummm…I’m trying to think of some good questions. Ok!
    1. If you could only reread books from one author for the rest of the year, what author would you choose?
    2. What’s your favorite type of cookie?
    3. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you travel?

    Liked by 1 person


    Yeah I would probably get sick of it too and not be able to drink 12 cups. xD
    Happy birthday and happy 100 followers!
    I really enjoy your blog. ❤
    Here are my questions:
    1. if you had to go on a date with a book character, who would you want to go with?
    2. what are three out of the ordinary/strange jobs you wouldn't mind having?
    3. what is your most embarrassing blogging story? (hehe 😉 )
    4. what is your favorite thing about being homeschooled?
    5. if you could live for a year in a different time era, where & when would you pick?
    6. what is some underrated item/toy that you would be really sad if it didn't exist?

    happy birthday again!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I know this is a day late but I was out of town and didn’t see the post. I hope you hade an amazing day! Here’s some questions for the Q and A!
    What’s you go to Starbucks drink?
    How many siblings do you have?
    What place in the USA do you most want to travel to?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. happy belated birthday darling ❤️ hope you had a lovely memorable day! it’s so endearing the coffee round tradition you do with your dad! hope your fam gets better soon ❤ and CONGRATULATIONS on 100th followers. so proud of you and can't wait to see your grow further ❤️

    hmm questions for you:

    – what's your favourite quote or song lyric
    – where would you like to live in the future?
    – favourite word and why?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Now my questions (just some basic questions xD)
    1) What’s you favorite snack while studying?
    2) How do you manage your blog and life?
    3) When is the last time you cried cause you were so happy?
    4) Favourite YouTuber?
    5) Favourite clothing store?
    6) How many cups of coffee do you drink a day? (had to ask this one xD)

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hey! happy birthday! Also I just wanted to stop by and tell you that your follow on my blog has got me thinking about starting to post again:) somehow I’ve gotten busy and got away from it. thank you and I hope you have a great day!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey! Thank youuuu ❤️
      Awww I’m glad! I stumbled across your blog and I loved your posts and I realised that you hadn’t posted in a while but I for one would absolutely love to see some posts from u! No pressure though, blogging definitely takes time and being busy can really distract me from blogging also!
      You’re welcome, and thank you for commenting 😊❤️❤️❤️

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Happy Birthday and congrats on reaching 100 followers! That’s awesome!! 🥳 I hope your family feels better soon 💛💛

    1) What is your favourite book?
    2) What is your favourite book genre?
    3) What is your favourite movie adaptation of a book?
    4) Why did you start blogging?
    5) What is your favourite thing about blogging?
    6) What is your dream job/career?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Happy birthday! Congratulations! *confetti*

    And ooo, a Q&A? *rubs palms together*
    – What is your favorite kind of chocolate?
    – Who are three of your favorite YouTubers?
    – What was the first blog you discovered?
    – Music you’re currently listening to?

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Happy birthday! (February birthdays rock!) Also, congrats on 100 follows! That’s a huge accomplishment.
    For the Q&A:
    What book series is your favorite?
    What is the best piece of blogging advice you have to offer?
    What color shirt are you wearing right now?
    If you were to write a bestselling novel, what would it be about?
    What is the favorite photo you’ve ever taken?
    What would be your dream job?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Happy Birthday, Jasmin!!!!!! And congratulations on 100 followers!!!!! That’s my goal; my current tally is 75. 🙂 I love Q&As!! Below are my questions! Be prepared; I’ll probably think up a lot……………….;-)

    1. Favorite animal?
    2. Dogs or cats?
    3. What’s your favorite pet name?
    4. Favorite color?
    5. Favorite song?
    6. Least favorite movie?
    7. Favorite movie?
    8. Favorite boy/girl names?
    9. Favorite scent?
    10. Favorite flavor?
    11. Who’s your favorite celebrity?
    12. If you had to lose one of your five senses: touch, sight, hearing, smell, and taste, which one would you lose?
    13. If you had to turn into an animal, which one would it be?

    Okay, that’s all I could think of. 🙂 Have a wonderful day!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Cool!! I’m sure you’ll make it to 150. I can’t wait to see your answers, and I hope your day goes amazing as well!! 😉


  13. Ahhh! Happy birthday!!!! And congrats on all your followers!! Also WOW that’s genius to go around getting free coffee but maaannn that’s a lot of coffee 😂
    Hmmm my questions are:
    -What is your favorite thing about blogging?
    -Out of all of your posts, which one has been your favorite and why?
    -And what do you hope to accomplish with your blog?
    I hope those are okay questions. I’m excited to see your answers!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome 😂 YES that’s totally awesome! Free coffee days are the BEST.
        Okay, awesome! I can’t wait to see them! 😄

        Liked by 1 person

  14. YAY! Congrats! Happy b-day! Here are my questions!
    1. Do you like dogs.
    2. Do you play any interments?
    3. Do you like coffee with cream or black?
    4. Spring or Fall?
    5. Easter or valentines?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Happy birthday and congratulations!! 🎉 How did you get all of those coffees home without them tipping over is what I want to know!? 😂 My questions for your are: why did you start a blog, what was the last book you read & movie you watched and where do you see yourself in 5 years time? ✨💕

    Liked by 1 person

  16. omg congrats jasmin! 100 followers is amazing and you deserve even more! ❤️
    q & a:
    1. starbucks order (or just fav drink)
    2. favorite book
    3. favorite movie
    4. your favorite thing in your wardrobe
    5. summer or winter?
    6. beach or mountains?
    7. favorite meme
    8. chocolate or candy?
    ❤️congrats again!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Happy birthday, Jasmin! Those free coffees look amazing! And congratulations on 100 followers! That’s huge! I just found your blog and am looking forward to exploring it more! God bless!

    Liked by 3 people

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