Utah roadtrip 2021 | Photo journal

Hey lovelies! How are y’all?? I’m grand 🙂 Um so I haven’t posted in foreverrrr but I have exciting news, I went on a road trip to Utah! I’ve always thought Utah looked like a really cool place and so while looking for a destination for a family road trip, I suggested Utah and my parents agreed! I also knocked a couple other states of my list of states I wanted to visit so that was thrilling 🙂

We went to Idaho, Utah, Nevada and even Arizona! AZ was wonderful, I was there for about 2 whole minutes while I took a picture with the state sign and then we turned around and drove over the state line haha! But I got to cross it off my list and now I can say I’ve been there 🤩 Anyways, I might add a little bit of commentary along with these pictures but I’ve got two batches of clothes to fold so I just wanted to hop on and do a little photo journal of my trip!

**All photos taken on my iPhone 11 and edited with free vsco filters or Lightroom presets 🙂

ALSO: saddest thing ever for my little photographer heart. I dropped my phone in Utah right as we were getting into Idaho and my phone camera broke 😭 Now all my photos in direct sunlight with the back camera have a huge glare. Quite sad. Hopefully I can get it fixed soon and its not too expensive 🤞🏼

The arches! This was such a cool park to see 🤩

all these pictures above were taken in Idaho except for the cartwheel one, that one was from the bonneville salt flats 🙂 Btw, highly recommend the salt flats if you like taking pictures, it was SO pretty!

of course I had to get coffee in Utah haha 😉 Not a ton of coffee shops though which was quite sad but I tried swig which was pretty good!

Anyways, that’s all for this post! I’ve got a super fun collab coming up, ft. some really cool socks I’m excited to show you guys 🤭 Also, i’m now addicted to funky socks, they’re the best haha!

what was your favorite picture? What is your favorite state? How many states have you been to? Ever went on a road trip? Comment down below, id love to chat! 💓🌸

xx, Jasmin


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