Utah roadtrip 2021 | Photo journal

Hey lovelies! How are y’all?? I’m grand 🙂 Um so I haven’t posted in foreverrrr but I have exciting news, I went on a road trip to Utah! I’ve always thought Utah looked like a really cool place and so while looking for a destination for a family road trip, I suggested Utah and my parents agreed! I also knocked a couple other states of my list of states I wanted to visit so that was thrilling 🙂

We went to Idaho, Utah, Nevada and even Arizona! AZ was wonderful, I was there for about 2 whole minutes while I took a picture with the state sign and then we turned around and drove over the state line haha! But I got to cross it off my list and now I can say I’ve been there 🤩 Anyways, I might add a little bit of commentary along with these pictures but I’ve got two batches of clothes to fold so I just wanted to hop on and do a little photo journal of my trip!

**All photos taken on my iPhone 11 and edited with free vsco filters or Lightroom presets 🙂

ALSO: saddest thing ever for my little photographer heart. I dropped my phone in Utah right as we were getting into Idaho and my phone camera broke 😭 Now all my photos in direct sunlight with the back camera have a huge glare. Quite sad. Hopefully I can get it fixed soon and its not too expensive 🤞🏼

The arches! This was such a cool park to see 🤩

all these pictures above were taken in Idaho except for the cartwheel one, that one was from the bonneville salt flats 🙂 Btw, highly recommend the salt flats if you like taking pictures, it was SO pretty!

of course I had to get coffee in Utah haha 😉 Not a ton of coffee shops though which was quite sad but I tried swig which was pretty good!

Anyways, that’s all for this post! I’ve got a super fun collab coming up, ft. some really cool socks I’m excited to show you guys 🤭 Also, i’m now addicted to funky socks, they’re the best haha!

what was your favorite picture? What is your favorite state? How many states have you been to? Ever went on a road trip? Comment down below, id love to chat! 💓🌸

xx, Jasmin

September bujo set-up! *runs in the door late*

Hello! How are you today? I hope you’re doing fabulous! Today I’m back with my bujo set-up for SEPTEMBER. *Mindblown* I don’t even know how it’s already September?! Sorry about not doing any bullet journal posts during the summer, I did actually work on my bujo a little but with how busy we get in the summer I just didn’t have full spreads to do posts on :(( I’ve thought about maybe just doing a post with all three of my “summer” (June, July, and August) spreads in it? Would y’all enjoy that? Lemme know in the comments!

Anyways, let’s head onto this post!

For September’s theme, I chose one I’d seen floating around the blogosphere and Pinterest. RETRO!!! Also, little side note: I’m not good at the time periods so if I’m calling it retro and it’s somethings else, please forgive me and don’t hate to much *covers face*

Here’s the overview!! I think it turned out super cute, and it was SO SO easy! I hadn’t done this theme before because I thought it looked hard or something but ahhh. It was easy and it’s so cute and colorful! Above we’ve just got the cover page and a quote across from it.

Stay rad!!

Next is my calendar page, one of my favorites. Not necessarily the design or theme though, I just really like to write all my stuff down in calendars. It makes me feel so organized and adult-ish! What’s something special or cool that’s on your calendar for September?

Next, we’ve got a collage page and a notes page! For the collage page, I got all the pictures off of Pinterest or google and I just made a collage, printed it out and then glued them on! I like how it turned out 🙂 The notes page is kinda just a filler page, I’ll go into more detail in the paragraph under the picture below.

For this page I just put some of my goals for the month and added some of my bucket list type hopes and dream! I want to hangout with friends, drink water, make sure to keep up in school and talk to God more.
And thats all! This months lay out was shorter than usual but hey, we’re working ourselves back into the groove 😉

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Did you bullet journal this month? If so, what was your theme? Anything super exciting happening in September for you? I hope you day goes great! 💛

Chat with me in the comments, I’d love to talk!

xx, Jasmin

HanjiKraft happy mail surprise kit review. *my socks are blown off*

Hello my lovelies! Today I’m back with another review, and believe me, this is a good one! If you’re anything like me and have a huge obsession with anything pen-pal-y, snail mail-ish or stationary things, then you’ll love this. The sweetest girl, Karen Kim, over at her Etsy shop: HanjiKraft, sent me some of her beautiful products and I could talk about them forever. and ever and ever. First of all, let’s get this straight: I have only good things to say.

Karen was the sweetest to work with, super fast with shipping and replying, very good at communicating and really generous and kind. I recommend her shop so much, and all the products are wonderful quality.

Now, instead of listening to me rant about how much I love the stuff, I’ll show you it.

Warning: It’s pretty awesome and you’re going to want to go buy it so be ready with your money 😉

First off: WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT PACKAGING?! *Heart eyes for years* It’s so gorgeous and perfect and I wish I could package stuff this perfectly!

Karen sent me this adorable little keychain that so reminds me of myself and it says “hahahahahahahhahahahanope.” It’s absolutely adorable and so super handy for clipping onto your purse or backpack!


When you open the larger package, this is what you pull out. *Internal happy squeals* It’s so so so so beautiful; it just makes my inner pen-pal-er so happy 🤩

And guys. Get this: the whole time I was opening this I was just like “wow okay. ahhhh it is so pretty!!!!! AHHH!!! SO PRETTY! Like howwww… awwwww! I can’t even”

So in the above picture shows an adorable notebook and the hello friend thing is actually like this envelope and it unfolds and inside it has MORE STUFF 🥰

When you unfold the envelope thing, inside it had some lovely plant stickers and an adorable little envelope full of what is labeled as “bits and pieces” and girllll it’s almost the best part of the package!

Inside the “bit’s and pieces” envelope, there’s lots of stickers, cut-outs, mini envelopes, and stamps <333 Lot’s and lots of little epic things 🙂 I was grinning so big while opening this ❤

Last but not least, we have some paper ephemera!! I received some old book pages, some cute tissue paper, and more 🤩

And that’s it for this review! Please please go check out Karen’s shop, it’s so adorable and the prices are so good for all that you get! If you struggle sometimes with decorating envelopes or making your snail mail cute, then this is definitely a shop to check out!

Thank you once again to Karen for sending me something from her shop, she’s an angel!

I hope you enjoyed! What is your favorite part of this post? Do you snail mail/pen pal? How’s your day going? I hope it is going great 🙂 And talk to me in the comments, I’d love to chat!

xx, Jasmin

My life lately. June and July update! *twirls in the sunshine*

spontaneous runs through parks are the best, are they not?

Hello beautiful people! How are you on this fine day? I’m doing quite good, today was a good day for me 🙂 Don’t you love those kind of days? I do :))

Anyways, todays post is going to be a chatty rambling post about, well, my life lately. I feel like everyone’s lives have been a bit crazy and un-normal and mines been the same. I’ve kind of gotten back into a schedule but its definitely different.

I’ve been hanging out with friends a lot, almost to much and it feels like I’ve been SO. busy. Which, don’t get me wrong is ah-mazing, but it leaves me feeling worn out and exhausted. My introvert part of my ambivert personality begins to shine through 😉

watching the sunset from the back of a truck is an amazing thing, you should try it someday.

I’ve realized that I really love spontaneous-ness. I don’t know if that is a word but I love it. I’m currently really into the “be in the moment, don’t let the small things matter, remember the good vibes, etc.” stuff right now.

photo credits to yours truly :)))

Pretty dresses with long grassy fields and Pinterest photo ideas is always a fun time. I wanted to have a photoshoot so my sister was kind and let me photograph her! I adore how the photos turned out, the boho vibes make me happy 🙂

Carrot cake= a gift from God. Needless to say it was delicious 🙂

A spontaneous drive with no real destination and only a goal of getting some cute pictures was one of my favorite experiences in June. We had a minor mishap later on that drive but we won’t talk about it ;). It’s all good.

Quotes. Sometimes at night I like to just look at Pinterest and find quotes that say things that I would say but I can’t put it as right. This quote above is so simple and basic yet so profound to me, I absolutely love it. If you have any amazing quotes you want to share, let me know in the comments, I absolutely love quotes and poems and such.

Tucker boy and his big grins 😍 They make me so happy *heart eyes x a million* He’s now starting to smile more and it’s the sweetest thing ever. Tucker’s doing good, he’s growing and gaining quickly, he now weighs almost 10 pounds!

Gathering around a campfire and playing games or even just visiting is such a underrated thing. I could do it every night. Especially if there’s Reeses cups s’mores 😁 Those things are literally the best, if you haven’t tried it, please do. Unless of course you’re allergic to peanuts or other ingredients. But if not- 😁

living the life.

A hammock=one of the best inventions ever!!

Iced coffee= deliciousness in a cup

sunny weather with a slight breeze=actual heaven

This life is a blessing guys 🤩

when you go to the post office and you get 5 letters AND an amazon package. Y’all I’m blessed. I was beaming all day and I spent a 30 minute car ride opening mail. THE WHOLE RIDE. It was so cool 😁

I wasted $6 on a coffe. But was it worth. it? Oh yeah 😁 Plus, memories were made and we got to mark it off our bucket list so boo-yah! okay that was cringe, forget I said that please.

I also finished drivers ed and next week (hopefully) I’ll be off to get my permit! I cant wait and prayers that I’m a good driver would be appreciated 😁

And that is all for this post! How was your June and how is you July going? Have you ever tried a Reeses cup s’more? Any quotes for me? Are spontaneous outings a yes or a no go for you? Talk to me in the comments, I’d love to chat! ❤️


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