February 2020. *thumbs up*

Hey guys. How’s life? How are you? I’m good 🙂 Happy march! February FLEW by, and it feels like it also went so slowly. Time is confusing xD. How was your February? The time has come for my monthly wrap-up post so here is chapter 2 of 12 😊

Things that happened this month:

  • Went clam digging and stayed at a hotel. Y’all, I promise staying at a hotel isn’t a monthly thing we do, it’s just happened this year xD. We went clam digging with my cousins and my family so there was 13 people digging and we got 390 clams over 2 days. Thats a lot. I don’t even like eating clams but I enjoy the digging part usually so I just let my family eat them xD. The first day of clamming it was nasty weather-it was raining and gusting wind, it was horrible. I was soaked through 3 layers, including a winter coat and it was gross. The second day was nicer weather, I stayed in the car for the first 45 minutes until mostly everyone else had got their limit and then I went out and dug mine. It only took me 15 minutes to dig my limit, which is 15 clams so it was a awesome tide! I really enjoyed staying with my cousins and family at the hotel, we drank hot cocoa in wine glasses (simply to feel fAnCy), had a sleepover, and watched HGTV. It was awesome!
  • Turned a year older, a.k.a. had my birthday! My birthday was February 21st and I turned a year older! I guess thats usually what you do on your birthday though 😉 I’m not allowed to say how old I am but I still have a couple years of being a teenager xD On my birthday I went to town with my dad and we got free birthdays coffees, which is our yearly tradition 🙂 We got 12 coffees, well, technically one was a lemonade but yeah xD. It was a good day. I don’t feel any older though xD
  • Reached 100 followers. GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH! I reached 100 followers the day before my birthday and I was so surprised, you guys are amazingggg ❤️ Tysm for all the support, y’all are lovely 🙂
  • found out I have to be gluten free for THREE MONTHS. somebody help. I may die. So I have a weird rash in my armpits. And I’ve had it since like June so we went to the dr. to get it checked out. The rash can be a sign of cancer, diabetes and all that fun stuff so the dr. decided to do a blood draw to make sure all my levels were good. The good news is I dont have cancer or diabetes but I have a low phosphorus level which is a sign of Malnourishment but if you knew me in real life, you can tell I’m obviously not malnourished so somethings blocking my body from being fully nourished which is sometimes a sign of a gluten allergy or something. So bottom line, I have to go gluten free for three months and then go get my blood drawn again and see if the levels are better 🙂 So cross your fingers, because I don’t know if I c an survive being gf forever.
  • my family got sick and we’ve had the sickness (which my Mom figures is the influenza) for about a week and a half. It’s not a puking sickness, it’s just a fever, bad headache, aching, and a cough but it’s still super annoying. I got sick on Monday and I’m still a little sick today (Thursday) but I’m on the mend! We had to cancel my birthday party and sleepover so I’m hoping I get better soon so those things can happen!
  • Went dress shopping with some friends from my co-op and went out for dinner. then we had a sleepover. IT WAS SO FUN! So I go to a co-op and they do this thing called protocol, where (Idek how to explain it) basically the boys learn how to be gentlemen and the girls learn how to be ladies. Like the boys open doors, pull out seats, etc. It’s kind of awkward but I feel like it’s really a good thing to experience? Anyways, we have a protocol event in March. We’re going to go out for dinner, dressed up in fancy dresses (the dress code is formal) and we’re going to a murder mystery show/puzzle type thing? I don’t know but I’m super excited! So we went out shopping after school one day and it was really fun! I found TWO dresses in the time span of 30 minutes which is really impressive because usually I can’t find modest dresses but I found two! They’re both basically the same, they’re both black lace, but one has sleeves, and the other is a sleeveless and yeah. That’s the only difference 😂 I like the second one because the fabric is more soft and it’s more me, so I think that’s the one I’m going with! After buying my dress we went out to eat and we talked for a good hour and a half and ahhh it was really fun!
  • Went Krispy Kreme 3 times. My sister and I went to a weekly softball clinic with some of our best friends and after our clinic each week, we would stop by a Krispy Kreme. I’d only had Krispy Kreme once before but DUDE ITS GOOD. You walk into the shop and its so sweet smelling and you can see all the donuts being made and when the donuts get glazed, it looks so cool! Also, how do YOU spell donut? Doughnut or donut? I feel like doughnut is the correct spelling but I always spell it d-o-n-u-t. Let me know 🙂
  • Went to a Valentines day girls group. So I go to a girls group with girls from our church and this month, since it was Valentines, our topic was relationships. We met in this girls cabin, Her and her husband are newly married but they live in a tiny cabin that is the most adorable, cutest, coziest thing ever. It was so small and just cozy ahhhh it was like an air-b&b. We hung out, ate valentines day candy and snacks, had heart shaped pizza, played games, giggled a TON, and talked about our topic. It was definitely one of my favorite memories of this month, it was such a blessed time ❤️
  • Someone my dad knows landed a plane in a field near our house. It was a little plane but IT WAS SO COOL. The guy had a taildragger plane and he came in right as the sun was setting and landed and ahhh IT WAS AWESOME! My Dad and Mom had just left to go out for dinner and they were like 2 minutes away and my dad seen the plane fly over so he turned around, and raced back to our house. At first we thought the guy might not land because he flew by and was gone for like 10 minutes but then he came back in, going really slow and he floated down into the field. Let me repeat myself once more: IT WAS SO COOL!
  • Posted pretty consistently on my blog and for that I’m quite proud of myself. I posted 5+ times in February which is my goal so hopefully I can keep it up!
  • Had a Practice dinner for protocol (a co-op thing) which was super fun. We had a practice night for the protocol event and we went to Walmart and our group of 8 teens was split up and we went shopping and got stuff to make soft tacos. After, we went to one of my friend’s house and we made the food together, set the table, and just hung out. It was awkward having my seat pulled out and pushed in but The boy I was paired with joked around so it wasn’t as awkward and it was really fun. After eating, we all cleaned up together and then since my birthday was the next day, we had ice cream sundaes, they were so good. Then everyone sang Hbd to me and it was embarrassing but I survived xD. It was so much fun though!
  • Spring cleaned my room and moved all the furniture around. I decided to spring clean my room. I dont know why but I wanted too. So one night, I moved all my furniture out into the hall, and I started vacuuming. The next day I did touch up paint and wiped down the doors, trim, windows, and mirrors. Halfway through that day, I got sick with the sickness I was telling y’all about above and so my furniture sat in the Hall for 4 days instead of the one day it was supposed to. Sorry Mom and Dad ;). Also when I got sick, the only furniture left in my room was my bed because I couldn’t fit it out the door xD. Finally I’m getting better so I’m currently in the process of moving everything back in!
  • Received some stuff from a company that I’m gonna review and do a post on soon! I wrote to a company a couple months ago and I asked if they would be interested in collaborating with my blog. They sent me a package with a couple products to review so hopefully, I will get the post up soon!
  • Got tagged for a couple tags and didn’t do them so now I have concluded because all the real bloggers I know (and love :))) ❤️) say they’re late with all their tags. If you have tagged me and I haven’t done it yet, please forgive me, I’m going to try and do them in march!
  • Updated my sites look so it isn’t so basic? Check it on the site, its just the main page that I redid but I made a header and so i’m proud 🙂 Thoughts on the new design? I’m not much of a website designer as i’m new to this whole blogging thing so its definitely not the best but I like it!

Overall, February was a pretty good month, minus the sickness! I hung out with friends, did productive things and just had fun. I also cried, didn’t feel great, and ya know, all that great stuff but I try to look at the positive things so I had a good month!

OK! Now onto pictures!

Some of our clan, digging clams while the sun sets. I really really like silhouette pictures, especially when the sun shines through! Clamming was so fun and the weather was great the second day!

My sister helping my brother count his limit <<<3333

First clam caught! But alas, it was to little so we dropped it back in its hole and it got to go back out to sea or whatever clams do down there 😉 I really like the colors of this picture, how the water is all swirly and you can see the lights hitting it and making rainbows ❤

Leaving the beach and heading towards home maybe? or the hotel, I don’t remember xD I like the cozy vibes of this picture, mom and dad in the front, tired kids in the back, day old bag of cookies from a bakery on the dash, music playing softly…


We drove to town and about 5 miles away from the gas station my Mom says “Pray we make it, we’re on empty.” xD. Luckily, we made it and got gas but you better believe I was praying hard 😂

As you can see, I also ate a lot of good food this month. My computer was having issues uploading photos so I just put them all in a college so I can upload one photo vs. uploading 0 photos 🙂 Going from the top left to right I will explain them: tea, I’m still drinking quite a bit BUT COFFEE IS JUST BETTER TASTING. We got pizza when we went down to the ocean and oh my word it was so good. Papa Murphy’s is where it’s at people. Next is a Strawberry Lime lemonade thing from dutch bros, it was one of my birthday drinks and it was definitely one of my favorites! And it got bonus points bc they put a little tiny tootsie pop in the straw ❤ Middle row we have peppermint ice cream which = life ( I mean, have you had it?!? It’s the creamiest thing ever just YESSSSS) then we have chocolate chip pancakes which bring back memories of my childhood and are really yummy and then finally we have Chicken tenders and French fries, two of the best things in the world if you ask me. On the last row, we have a HUGE donut that my uncle and dad found in a little bakery, it took like 5 kids to devour that but it went fast 😉 Then we have a chocolate covered strawberry that was absolutely delicious. Man, they’re good! And last but not least, my fAnCy cousin and I drinking our cocoa out of wine glasses. It felt elegant 😉

Another college because it’s more time efficient. Starting again top left-to-right: The first picture is from when we were shopping for food for our protocol practice dinner, we were getting candy and ice cream and soda and avocados and cheese xD We got the off brand stuff because one of the boys kept arguing that it was WAY cheaper, which I’ll give to him, it was :D. And I’m fine with saving some money. Next, I HIT 500 LIKES! tysm guys, y’all are awesome <3! Top right is us at girls group, huddling. I don’t know why but we were tired and we decided to do a football huddle and yeah, it was fun xD. Moving onto the middle row, First: A cookie I decorated on V-day, Second: A coffee from my birthday and her handwriting is so pretty! Third: Me and Lynae eating popcorn at girls group. I think I ate almost half the bowl it was so good. I had raspberry chocolate drizzled on it and yummm it was so good! Last row, we have me reading Shakespeare in class! Last week I missed class but I think we were gonna read the last chapter so now we have to read the actual Shakespeare-y stuff so yikes. Next photo is just a photo of our road, heading up into the woods. And last but not least is a shaky blurry photo of trees and the power line, it looked semi-aesthetic 🙂

Same routine, you know it 😉 First we have a recent addition to my bujo: a vine page xD I was bored and I wanted to draw an avocado so ta-da, this page was born (okay that sounds weird) Next is a picture of my little sister looking at the plane in the field, it was so SO SO cool! Next is SCHOOL. WOO. Science is not my best subject, I’m not really enjoying it this year sadly. Moving right along, on the middle row first we have the table for our practice protocol dinner, it looked soooo nice! Following is a picture of Finn, my puppy who I love. He is so cuteee ❤ then comes a pic of me cleaning my room, I patched some little holes in my wall and repainted the wall, and it looks quite nice. Last row, we have first, another example of me taking too long on my science and making it look pretty xD. Then we have a picture of my journaling Bible, I seriously recommend getting one! They’re so fun and its really nice to be able to add your notes and thoughts of the passages! Last, we have a picture of Lynae shooting some hoops, ya know we play b-ball sometimes. Just kidding. It was like my third time playing and I’m definitely not going to start playing it as a sport. xD it was fun tho!

And thats all for today! Talk to me in the comments, How was your month? What are some of your favorite memories from this month? Have you ever went clamming? Do you love food? Let me know, I love comments 😉

Thank you so much for reading, and Happy March!!!

xx, Jasmin

March bujo setup + an attempt at a tutorial? *highfives*

hey hey. How are you? I’m good, although I think I’m currently coming down with what my family has had so prayers I don’t get sick.

We’re nearing the end of February, so that means it’s time for another bullet journal post! I also tried to kind of make it a tutorial but low-key failed so oh welp. I think that a video tutorial would be so much more helpful so I’m looking into how to go about that! This is gonna be a shorter post as I don’t know how to expand a lot on my pages. But aside from that, please, enjoy!

Okayyyy. Turns out the only page I did step by step was this one so make sure you treasure it xD.

  • Step one: sketch the design. Funny story, I was actually gonna do coffee as my march theme but after trying and NOT succeeding THREE times, I went for the easier alternative: Lavender. Which is pretty cool. Actually it gives me a rash and I think I’m allergic to it but it looks cool 😂 So I sketched my lavender stalk out with a pencil and that is the end result.
  • Step two: Draw a line, splitting the page where you want to cut it. I drew a line down the center of the page, splitting the page in half and creating a line for me to follow when I was cutting the excess page off. * Claps for me bc I cut the page acceptable-ish*
  • Step three: Cut with scissors down the line, following the design of your leaf/stalk/creation. I cut down the line very slowly and then at the end I rushed it because I was tired and wanted to be done 😂 Overall it’s not terrible looking, so that makes me happy.
  • Step four: ( shown in picture below) Color in the sketch! YaY!

TA-DA!!!! I actually really like the colors of this and its super easy to draw lavender, So lavender is a cool theme.*raises eyebrows* its the best when we down have to try really hard and it still looks decent right?!? As you’ve probably noticed, I’m in a very sarcastic mood rn, probably because I don’t feel the best so please forgive me 🙂

Next, I abbreviated March and then continued on to adding the dates/calendar thing. And that is the result of my cover page! What’d you think?!? *Proudly holds it for you to see* *hand flourishes around it* I’m quite happy with the result!

This is were the tutorial stops. sorry sorry sorry!!!

Eeeekkk I like this feature! I hid a quote, my goals and the word of the month under the flap of the lavender branch and I LOVE it! The only drawback is that there is a blank spot on the right side of the page, above the Mar. and calendar but I didn’t want to try and add a quote or something and mess it all up. So we’re gonna live with it 😊

Moving right on, here is my notes and mood tracker. I especially like the key part of the mood tracker, it looks cool to me?! The notes page is pretty simple, its where I jot down ideas, notes, and anything that doesn’t have a designated area!

Next is my calendar, which I’m not as proud of, but it’ll work. The reason I dislike it is because it doesn’t have the day of the week, which is usually helpful for me, so I will probably either work the days of the week in or not do this layout again.

Last page. *cries silently* Here I have my playlist, which is pretty self-explanatory, and also my memories page, which is where I write down small memories of different days. A lot of times I won’t have time to journal daily ( which I need to start doing) So I’ll just jot down a quick note of what I did and why/how it was special!

THATS IT FOR TODAY FOLKS! Hope you enjoyed! Sorry I was so sarcastic xD

What page was your favorite? Do you have a bullet journal? What was your theme for March? Talk to me in the comments!

Thank you a million for reading, your support is the bestest ❤️❤️❤️

xx, Jasmin

100 followers!!! + Q&A + I’m officially a year older?!*throws confetti everywhere*

hey guys! how are ya’ll? I’m doing great 😃

Today is just gonna be a short post but I’m hoping to have my February in review and March bujo post up soon so keep you’re eyes open for that 😃

TODAY. IS. MY. BIRTHDAY!!!! Happy birthday to me!! *Throws confetti all over us all* So far its been a great birthday, My dad woke me up around 6:30 this morning and we went to town and got free coffees! Out where I live, Dutch bros and Blackrock will give you free Birthday coffees and there’s a lot of both those coffee places so we hit a couple of them and ended up with 12 FREE coffees! I’m so sick of coffee now and I have only drank like 2 xD.

I’m giving half of them to my Dad and we’ll drink them in the coming days 🙂 Then we came home and I took a shower, did some school and hung out. Later tonight, I’m going to a banquet/dinner thing with half of my family so I’m excited for that! On a sadder note, My little brother, little sister and mom are all sick with some sort of fevering virus so prayers that they get well quick would be appreciated 🙂

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MY DUDES. I have AMAZING news, its so crazy!

My goal was to reach 100 follows by my birthday and yesterday night, I got my 100th follower! EEEEEKKKKK THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I have loved blogging and the whole blogging community has been so welcoming and kind, u guys are the literal best. If you told me back in November that I would have 100 followers by my birthday, I would have laughed xD. Thank you all so so much! Cant wait to see what happens to this blog in the months and years to come 🙂 ❤️

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So to commemorate my birthday and achieving 100 followers, I decided to do a Q&A! So please, if you can, drop some questions in the comments and I’ll try and answer them soon! I might not answer some questions if their personal and I can’t say but please only ask respectful questions! Lets keep it all good vibes down there 😉 You guys have all been great!

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AND, thats all for today! Hope you enjoyed and i’ll post soon! Thank you all so much for all your support, you guys are AMAZING!!! Give me questions in the comments pleaseeee!

xx, Jasmin

The Small Joys tag *eeekkkkk another tag!!!*

Hey y’all.

how are you? I’m fantastic 🙂

A couple days ago I was tagged by Liberty to do this tag and I was like YESSSS. I LOVE tags so much 😂 So thank you bunches for the tag, Liberty, it made my day xD

The rules:

  1. Thank the blogger who tagged you!
  2. List 15 of your Small Joys (They can be as weird, random, and silly as you want to make them!)
  3. Tag 5 blogger friends who bring you joy (and feel free to say why they bring you joy!)
  4. Have fun with it!

Ok, Let’s get onto it!! My small joys are:

1. Finding quotes I love on Pinterest:

If you know me, you most likely know that I absolutely LOVE Pinterest and I could spend about 9 hours a day on there if I could. It’s a great space to find new ideas and inspo and it’s where I find 99% of my favorite quotes. It makes me so happy when I find new quotes that I love and that I can relate to and ahhhh I LOVE IT ❤️❤️

2. Free birthday coffees from Dutch bro’s and black rock:

So where I live, on your birthday you can go to Dutch bro’s and Black Rock (coffee places) and they will give you a free birthday coffee! Any size and any type. It’s so awesome and it’s become a yearly tradition that on my birthday, my Dad will take me out and we’ll leave early in the morning and we’ll drive around and hit all the coffee shops and our end result is usually somewhere around 10 free coffees. It’s so cool 😀

3. Girls group:

So this year I went to our church’s youth camp for the first time and it was SO FUN. While we were there I suggested to my cabin counselor that she should start a girls group and she said that she had been thinking about it! So that started the ball rolling and now she hosts girls group once a month and we get together, talk about a topic, read the bible and eat snacks. For February’s girls group, we went to a different girls house instead of the regular one and the girl who’s house we went to lived in this ADORABLE little cabin 😍 It was sooooo cute and cozy and we hung out, talked about Godly relationships and relationship advice and ate Valentine’s Day snacks and candy. We even had heart shaped pizza, it was delicious 😊❤️

4. Receiving mail:

I have around 6 pen pals and I write to companies so on special occasions I will happen to get mail and it MAKES MY DAY. It is so fun to get a letter or even package in the mail and it makes you feel so special and happy and ahhhhh I LOVE it!

5. Warm drinks and food:

FOOD.IS.LIFE. #foodie #ilovefood

Okay. Dudes. Food keeps u alive, and it’s a HUGE bonus if it tastes good, which usually it does. Especially if it’s warm. Hot cocoa and hot apple cider are my go to winter drinks + coffee bc as we probably all know: coffee is GOOD. Warm French toast and sausage and eggs is so good. Also warm soup on a cold winter day is to die for.

6. Blue skies:

Where I live, it rains a LOT in the winter. And it thoroughly depresses me. I can not do rain. And I love where I live and I belong so don’t go telling me I’m not a valid name of state where I live-ion bc I am. 😂 Blue skies make my day especially when it’s sunny and crisp outside, it’s just so nice.

7. When out of state cousins visit:

Half of my family lives across the country and so I get to see them ehhh maybe once every year (if I’m lucky) or every other year. So when we get to see them it’s overall just a really happy time bc I love them all and seeing them is awesome.

8. Comments on my blog:

MY DUDES. Comments make me SO happy, I can’t even express it to you. U guys are all amazing and I’m so grateful for all the support y’all have shown towards my blog. Long comments are my favorite and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL OF THE ONES U HAVE GAVE ME! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

9. Flying in airplanes:

I love flying so much. Especially taking off and landing and landing in a city in the dark where you can see all the pretty lights and also when your landing and the pilot turns really sharp and you’re basically tipped on ur side ahhhh it’s soooooooo fun!

10. The whole Christmas vibe:

Christmas is hand-downs my favorite season and I love the holiday cheer! Christmas lights and cozy fires and trees and red and green and presents and giving and togetherness ❤️❤️❤️ I love it!

11. Making new friends:

Making new friends is honestly so nice bc

A. Friends are awesome

B. I love learning more about new people!

Since I’m super shy and socially awkward, I don’t make new friends a lot of the time but when I do, it’s amazing!

12. Having a clean room:

Having a clean room just makes ur life feel so much more uncluttered and out together right? I personally love to procrastinate cleaning my room and then I also love to procrastinate BY cleaning my room so it’s very ironic. But a clean room is AMAZING.

13. Discovering a new favorite book:

I love when you find a book that doesn’t look amazingly special and then you open it and it just pulls you in and keeps you there and when you finish it you feel like crying. Okay actually I love/hate that but for this post it’s gonna be a joy so yeah!

14. Taking pictures of people and things I love:

I LOVE photography and it’s something I hope to become more professional at it and I absolutely adore taking pictures of things that are pretty and people I love ( and people I don’t know ya know xD) Pictures are so fun to take and I love having them as memories!

15. Church camp out and youth camp:

The church my family goes to has a camp out on Memorial Day weekend were we all go to a fair grounds a couple hours away and the church rents the fair ground and we camp there for 3-5 days. It is THE HIGHLIGHT of my May and I LOVE it so much. Last year I stayed up with 6 of my friends till after midnight just hanging out and talking and it was bomb. We hang out at each other’s camps, eat food, ride bikes and go to the creek and it’s a blast. Youth camp is like the same thing except the YOUTH go 😂 and it’s in August but it is equally (if not more) amazing and I had so much fun last year. There’s an obstacle course, skit night and night time games and more. It’s also right across from the river to after my cabin did the obstacle course we all went to the river and washed our hair in the river. Nothing like washing your hair in front of like 50 kids but it was fun xD

I tag:

Bayance girl thank you SO much for all the support you give, ur comments are the best and make me smile so big. Ur blog is amazing and I LOVE reading ur posts so much ❤️

Kiya– ok ur so nice and talented ahhh ur poems are amazing and ur comments are equally amazing- they make me smile so huge and eeekkk thank you so much for the support! 💕❤️

Hedy– Thank you TONS for all the support on my blogging journey and for being so welcoming when I started blogging, u made me so excited to start blogging and I love reading ur posts 😊💕

Ju– Ur literally the sweetest and I love ur posts so much ❤️

Esther– You are so nice and I love reading ur posts, you have such interesting content! 💕

And thats all for today! I loved this tag, it seemed very aesthetically pleasing to me for some reason xD Hope you all have an AMAZING week and I’ll post soon!

xx, Jasmin


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