The Homebody Society review ft. the most adorable stamps *waves the stamps around excitedly*

Hello beautiful people! How are you doing today? I hope you’re doing wonderfully 🙂

Today I’m back with another review! The wonderful Kelly from her adorable Etsy shop kindly agreed to send me some of her handy products to review! While scrolling Etsy looking for fun pen-pal products to buy, (because I definitely need more pen-paling supplies, don’t you agree?!) I found Kelly’s shop. It’s called The Homebody Society and the stamps are AMAZING. Stamps are awesome in my opinion because they’re so easy to use, they’re a one time buy as in you buy the stamp and some ink and you don’t have to keep re-buying them like some other pen-pal supplies, and they’re can be so simple or intricate-depending on the one you chose! Kelly’s shop is full of lovely stamps that range from ones you can personalize to snail mail ones and even stamps to customize and stamp your books with like this adorable one right here!!

These right here are the lovely stamps Kelly sent me to review! Aren’t they adorable?! I’ve currently been obsessed with them and I’m stamping them on literally EVERY letter I send out 🤩. I can’t choose a favorite but I love them both dearly, and I love how they’re so easy!

Which is your favorite? I know I said I couldn’t pick favorites but I actually might like the sent with love one better xD! I love both of them so much though :)))

Stamping the stamps onto an envelope went smoothly, the only thing I struggled with was getting them stamped on straight xD. I love how they look!

The stamps also came with this really helpful piece of paper that gives tips and tricks for using your stamps so I really appreciated this! I bought myself this StazOn ink pad off of amazon and I have literally no complaints. It even smells good 😂

Last but not least!!! Kelly, being the angel she is, also gave me a 10% off code for you guys to use when you order something from her shop!!!

The code is: THANKYOU10

Make sure to check out Kellys shop, she has some wonderful products!

With all that being said, that is all for this review! Sorry for not posting lately, I’m currently doing confirmation classes and working on getting confirmed to my church so I’ve been extremely busy. I’m hoping to get a bunch more posts up soon though and I also want ti take some time to read some of your lovely posts that I’ve been missing 🙂

Once again, Thank you SO SO much Kelly for sending me these stamps to review, I’m forever grateful ❤️ Make sure to check out her shop lovelies, it won’t disappoint :))

What stamp do you like best? Do you pen-pal? How’s your July going? I hope it’s fabulous! Thank you so much for reading and talk to me in the comments, I’d love to chat 💓

xx, Jasmin

My summer bucket list ☀️ *Licks popsicle*

Hello! How are you today? I’m doing quite good, I worked for my neighbor so I’m tired now 🙂

Today I didn’t have a plan for a post but I wanted to post for you guys and thus this post was born! Plus I’ve been wanting to do this post for a while now and since it’s now officially summer, it’s the perfect time!

So, I’m not going to list every single thing, but I’m going to mention my favorites ones or ones that stand out? I don’t know, we’ll see how this goes 🙂

  • Have a HUGE sleepover! I don’t know how well this is gonna work as of corona and everything but luckily the whole COVID-19 situation is somewhat dying down around here and we can get together with friends. I want to have a huge sleepover with tons of friends and sleep outside and be crazy, it sounds SO fun in my opinion! One of the things I would be worried about is that I have a ton of different friend groups, there’s cousins/relatives, church friends, softball friends, random people, people from school, etc. But I think I could make it work and have tons of fun!
  • Watch lots of sunsets and sun rises! So, I LOVE sunsets and sunrises. They’re so simple and like.. an ordinary everyday thing but for reallllll. They’re amazing. So I really want to watch a lot of them this summer. From the roof, to tops and trunks of cars, on blankets, tops of a mountain, I just want to experience a lot of God’s masterpieces this summer.
  • Say YES more. If you know me, you know that I’m very much into the live in the moment, say yes, take chances, live to the fullest lifestyle. Being spontaneous and not thinking so much about all the bad stuff that can happen can be hard for me but I want to work on that this summer and really say yes to a lot of new opportunities!
  • Have a vsco sleepover! I’m not really a vsco girl 😂 But the vibe is really cute 🤩 One of my friends and I want to have an ultimate vsco day because it sounds like a lot of fun! We want to stay out on the tramp or in a tent and hang lights and sheets and I want to try that vsco-brand treat, ya know, the chocolate with marshmallows melted in the oven and then you dip into it with graham crackers? It sounds so good 🤩
  • Go paddle-boarding! This isn’t on my actual bucket list but I really want to go paddle boarding with a friend or two. I’d love to go paddle boarding, pack a lunch, and just paddle all day. And to make it a dream come true we could paddle to a waterfall and eat lunch at the bottom there. Doesn’t it sound like a dream?!

In all honesty, most of my bucket list won’t probably get completed. But hey, it’s fun to dream isn’t it?! I’ll definitely make memories this summer, I already have. And I can’t wait to make more! I hope your day goes/or is going amazing, and I hope the rest of your summer is awesome!

Whats on your summer bucket list? Whats a summer tradition you love? Do you prefer ice cream or popsicles? I hope you enjoyed, and make sure to talk to me in the comments, I’d love to chat! 💓

xx, Jasmin

My life lately. June and July update! *twirls in the sunshine*

spontaneous runs through parks are the best, are they not?

Hello beautiful people! How are you on this fine day? I’m doing quite good, today was a good day for me 🙂 Don’t you love those kind of days? I do :))

Anyways, todays post is going to be a chatty rambling post about, well, my life lately. I feel like everyone’s lives have been a bit crazy and un-normal and mines been the same. I’ve kind of gotten back into a schedule but its definitely different.

I’ve been hanging out with friends a lot, almost to much and it feels like I’ve been SO. busy. Which, don’t get me wrong is ah-mazing, but it leaves me feeling worn out and exhausted. My introvert part of my ambivert personality begins to shine through 😉

watching the sunset from the back of a truck is an amazing thing, you should try it someday.

I’ve realized that I really love spontaneous-ness. I don’t know if that is a word but I love it. I’m currently really into the “be in the moment, don’t let the small things matter, remember the good vibes, etc.” stuff right now.

photo credits to yours truly :)))

Pretty dresses with long grassy fields and Pinterest photo ideas is always a fun time. I wanted to have a photoshoot so my sister was kind and let me photograph her! I adore how the photos turned out, the boho vibes make me happy 🙂

Carrot cake= a gift from God. Needless to say it was delicious 🙂

A spontaneous drive with no real destination and only a goal of getting some cute pictures was one of my favorite experiences in June. We had a minor mishap later on that drive but we won’t talk about it ;). It’s all good.

Quotes. Sometimes at night I like to just look at Pinterest and find quotes that say things that I would say but I can’t put it as right. This quote above is so simple and basic yet so profound to me, I absolutely love it. If you have any amazing quotes you want to share, let me know in the comments, I absolutely love quotes and poems and such.

Tucker boy and his big grins 😍 They make me so happy *heart eyes x a million* He’s now starting to smile more and it’s the sweetest thing ever. Tucker’s doing good, he’s growing and gaining quickly, he now weighs almost 10 pounds!

Gathering around a campfire and playing games or even just visiting is such a underrated thing. I could do it every night. Especially if there’s Reeses cups s’mores 😁 Those things are literally the best, if you haven’t tried it, please do. Unless of course you’re allergic to peanuts or other ingredients. But if not- 😁

living the life.

A hammock=one of the best inventions ever!!

Iced coffee= deliciousness in a cup

sunny weather with a slight breeze=actual heaven

This life is a blessing guys 🤩

when you go to the post office and you get 5 letters AND an amazon package. Y’all I’m blessed. I was beaming all day and I spent a 30 minute car ride opening mail. THE WHOLE RIDE. It was so cool 😁

I wasted $6 on a coffe. But was it worth. it? Oh yeah 😁 Plus, memories were made and we got to mark it off our bucket list so boo-yah! okay that was cringe, forget I said that please.

I also finished drivers ed and next week (hopefully) I’ll be off to get my permit! I cant wait and prayers that I’m a good driver would be appreciated 😁

And that is all for this post! How was your June and how is you July going? Have you ever tried a Reeses cup s’more? Any quotes for me? Are spontaneous outings a yes or a no go for you? Talk to me in the comments, I’d love to chat! ❤️


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