April Bullet journal Setup: *bows*

Hey hey 🙂 How are you? I’m good :)) This month, with the quarantine stuff going on, I had a bit of extra time so I managed to get my bujo setup done in time! I chose to draw a cute cafe ( I completely copied of a Pinterest so welp but the rest of my pages are original xD) but then I kind of struggled knowing what to do the rest of my little doodles as, because I didn’t want to just do a bunch of little cafes everywhere 🙂 So we ended up doing a lot of coffee cups xD

Onto the pictures!

My cute little cafe 🙂 I am really happy with how this came out! I listened to a whole church sermon while I sketched it, so it came out pretty good, imo 😉 I love cute little cafes and if this same cafe exists somewhere in this world, I would be very happy 🙂 On the other side of this page is a quote ( you can see the whole spread in the picture above) but I didn’t take a pic of the quote… So yeah, this is my cover page! Overall, I’m happy with it!

Next is a really cool ( in my opinion) college that I crafted together using coffee pics I printed off of Pinterest! On the opposite page is my mood tracker, which I’m pretty happy with! Sorry this pic is a bit blurry, I don’t know why this one came out like that!

Coolness, am I right?!?

This is my calendar that I spent a good hour creating. *rolls eyes* I HATE making calendars because it takes me FOREVER to line everything up and get it to look decent but it finally happened so yay!

Next is my bucket list/goals and my playlist! I was pretty happy with how both of these turned out!

Last and (kinda least) we have my weekly spread/journal! It’s INSANELY basic, but I chose functionality over intenseness and I’m hoping it works well!
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And that’s all for today!!! What’d u think?! Which page is your favorite? Do you have a bullet journal? If so, what was your theme for April? I hope u enjoyed and I’ll try and post soon!

Stay safe ❤️

xx, Jasmin

2020 Birthday haul *throws confetti on all of us*

Hey hey 🙂 How are you? I’m good 🙂 Just hanging out at home while this corona virus stuff hopefully blows over 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼 I figured I would take advantage of all the spare time I now have and hopefully I can go a lot of content up! Anyways, let’s get onto the haul!

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*disclaimer: I am in no way, shape, or form trying to brag about what I got, I personally really enjoy reading these kinds of posts so when my birthday happened in February, I figured I could do a gift haul! I hope you enjoy!

First up: My parents got me Birkenstocks!! Ahhh I love them so much haha! Fun story, I used to think birks were ugly and they looked like grandma shoes but then the “vsco girl trend thing ordeal” happened and even though I’m not a vsco girl, I now like Birkenstocks. So I’ve begged my mom since last summer and I finally convinced her to get them for me for my Birthday! I absolutely love them, but I have had to get a few callouses and I have like a corn thing or something on the side of my foot and it hurts? My mom said I need to take a break from wearing them but we’ll see 😉

Yes, I got the basic ones 🙄 They’re so cute though!

Next, some takes my bro’s got me. I LOVE takis. They kill me everytime (bc I’m a wimp and can’t handle hot stuff) but I will continue eating them because I want to. and because they’re addicting and delicious. What are ur thoughts on takis? I feel like they’re low-key controversial 😂


From my grandparents, I got a brush, some chocolate, paint (not pictured, idk why) and a $25 Visa card (which I’m very excited to use bc I’ve never had one before xD) Luckily, the chocolates were gluten free so I could eat them! I’ve been gluten free for almost a whole month now y’all! But I really enjoyed eating the chocolate, bc duh. It’s chocolate?!?

Cool beans 👍🏻

Next, my aunt and uncle gave me a carton of orange juice. because they know I love it. So I drank out of the carton immediately, so that my siblings wouldn’t steal any (they’re scared of my gErMsss) and I thoroughly enjoyed the WHOLE carton! My aunt and uncle also gave me two ten dollar gift-cards to amazon, and I’m super excited about that bc amazon is awesome and you can always find stuff to buy on there 🙂

my love ❤️ Also the ‘Jas’ was me making sure my siblings knew it was mine 😉 I’m very protective of my juice.

I also got 15 dollars from some friends so thats cool bc money is cool 🙂

And that’s that! I really loved all the gifts I got! I hope you enjoyed reading, and check back soon for my April bullet journal setup!

Do you like takis? What’s your take on Birkenstocks? Are you a fan of orange juice?

Let me know in the comments, lonnngggggg comments make my days! 💕

xx, Jasmin

P.s. we finally found toilet paper so all is calm in our house. Just kidding, we weren’t that worried about it but it’s kind of nice to know you have toilet paper, right?!

Awesome blogger award x2: ft. my sister *hugs each other then grimaces*

Hey guys!!! How are you? I’m good. Hope you all are well with all this COVID-19 stuff going around! Anyways, I was nominated for the awesome blogger award by Ainsley and Eliana (who are literally the sweetest everrrr) so go check out their blogs! They do amazing posts about a wide range of things and I love their blogs!

I was thinking about this tag and I figured reading tags might be kind of boring for you guys, I don’t know? So I figured I would invite my sister, Aubrey, to be featured in this award! Round of applause for her bc she’s cool! *applause* ok… let’s get on to the questions!

Oh! One more thing, I almost forgot the rules xD

The rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you.
  2. Tag the post with the #awesomebloggeraward.
  3. Answer the questions you where asked.
  4. Nominate at lest 5 bloggers and inform them of there nomination.

Ainsley’s question’s:

Sunrises or Sunsets?

my answer: I would say sunsets, although I really love them both. Lately I’ve been really appreciating the sunsets lately and I like how you don’t have to wake up super early to see them and how they’re always different! I say a quote once about how when an artist dies, God let’s them paint the sunset and honestly if that’s true, that’s amazing ❤️ also then, I can’t wait to die and paint the sunset xD

Aubrey’s answer: Probably sunrises. Because I feel like they’re more colorful and I don’t see them all the time. Also because the sun is rising so its bringing a new day ya know?!?

What do you do when your bored?

expectations= I do something with my life and do something productive Reality= I go on my phone and look for something productive to do. Hahaha most of the time when I’m bored, I’ll either read, journal, blog or write letters!

Aubrey’s answer: live life? I don’t know. Ive been trying to do softball and horses or piano? Maybe draw or read a book? I don’t know?!

What’s your favorite band/artist?

my answer: Tough oneeee. I really like Hillsong and Bethel right now but honestly my music taste is all over the place 😂 yeah I can’t pick just one artist….

Aubrey’s answer: Ummmmmmmmm I’m so un-updated. I have no idea actually. Like no idea. I don’t know. Ughhhhhhh. SO THATS MY ANSWER.

Winter or Summer?

my answer: Summer. I like the vibes. And the sun. And the water. But winter is honestly really fun too. I like the snow. And the warm fires and cozy drinks. So yeahhhh

Aubrey’s answer: Um probably summer. The sun is nice and people are sick less and you don’t have school and you can hang out with friends and you can just live life more than you can in winter.

Have you ever gone out of the country?

my answer: sadly, no. I want to travel a ton when I’m older but as of now, I haven’t left the country. I have left my home state though so that’s something, right?!?

Aubrey’s answer: *sigh* no.

What’s you favorite sport?

my answer: Softball. It’s the only sport I’ve ever really played but I love it! Gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding, and volleyball are really fun too! That’s the extent of sports I’ve tried. xD

Aubreys answer: Probably softball. I’ve always wanted to play soccer but I haven’t because softball is the only sport I can play soooo my dreams never can come trueeee.

Biggest pet peeve?

my answer: The scraping of silverware against glass DRIVES ME CRAZY. People that I know always do it just to annoy me and it drives me crazyyyyy. Also imagine putting a fork in your mouth, biting down and slowly pulling the fork out of your mouth *cringes* ewwww I just can’t. That sounds horrible, right?!?

Aubrey’s answer: One of my biggest is when you touch something like a piece of glass and it scrapes it. Like when you grab a glass from the dishwasher and your nails scrape it, it just feels so gross.

Do you like Mac n Cheese with BBQ? *it’s amazing!*

My answer: I’ve never tried it but it doesn’t sound like the worst thing ever? I’m not a huge Mac n cheese fan, or a huge bbq sauce fan so I can’t probably judge it appropriately but it doesn’t sound bad! Has anyone ever tried ranch with grilled cheese? It is literally the bomb.Com! It’s SO good!

Aubrey’s answer: No. I’ve never tried it but I like to stick to more traditional stuff. food.

What’s your favorite art medium?

My answer: I like watercolor! I mess up a lot when I create art and with watercolor I feel like you can mess up and it’ll just look artsy?! xD so yeah my dudes!

Aubrey’s answer: Probably colored pencils or just a pencil. I feel like with pencils you can erase but you cant really with paint.

Can you name one new thing you’ll try while stuck in the house?

My answer: hmmm…well, I am learning to drive! My Dad has an old work van and I’ve been practicing driving it around and backing up so when I go in for my drive test, I can ace it! Woo! xD

Aubrey’s answer: I’ll try to get my room clean? Minamalize? Nothing super big, ummm maybe I will bake something? Nothing big.

And now onto Eliana’s questions!

*Aubrey didn’t do this one because she was busy and I wanted to get this post up 🙂

What is your favorite Bible verse?

My answer: I really like 1 Corinthians 13:1-3!

13 If I speak in the languages of humans and angels but have no love, I have become a reverberating gong or a clashing cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can understand all secrets and every form of knowledge, and if I have absolute faith so as to move mountains but have no love, I am nothing. Even if I give away everything that I have and sacrifice myself,[a] but have no love, I gain nothing.

If you could go anywhere where would it be?

I don’t even know honestly. I want to travel everywhere when I’m older but right now I’ve been “craving” or wanting (xD) to go to Arizona or Hawaii? They both sound really fun and their so pretty!

How many siblings do you have?

I have 4 siblings, with a 5th on the way! My mom is having a baby boy and she’s due in the end of May!

What is your favorite food?

Well, right now, I’m gluten free so I’m kind of craving gluten. But my favorite overall food is Pizza and French fries! And French toast. And sausage. and burgers. I like food a lot though xD

What is your least favorite color?

My favorite is Blueeee 💙 I love all shades of blue :))

edited to say: Ahaha my least favorite color is probably *thinks for a million years* Idk. I like all colors really!

What is your favorite subject in school?

I have been really enjoying drama this year, we’re reading Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew and I thought I would hate it, but its fun! I’m in a class with 3 boys at my co-op and they all read the Shakespeare in accents so thats cool!

City or country?

Countrryyyy. I like small towns and towns. City’s are overwhelming but they can be fun in small doses 🙂

Do you have pets? If so what are they?

Yep! I live on a farm so we have pigs, cows, dogs, chickens, and cats. I was thinking about doing a post about our animals sometime, would you guys like that?

This is Finn, my favorite 😉 ❤️

What do you want to do after you finish school?

Hopefully continue (I want to get a job soon) working at a good job, travel, and enjoy life. I don’t want to go to college but I don’t know where God will lead me yet, so we’ll see!

Do you wear your hair up or down most of the time? 

I wear my hair up 90% of the time. I have super thick hair and it usually drives me crazy when its down so usually its in a ponytail or bun! I have started wearing it down more often though…

And that’s all for this award!!

Some wonderful bloggers who deserve this award so I will nominate them:






And YOU!

As always, if you don’t want to do this award, no worries, no pressure! If u do want to do it though, let me know in the comments when your post is up and I’ll check it out!

My questions:

  • If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  •  Have you ever had a nickname? What is it?
  •  Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?
  •  In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read?
  • Is there anything you wished would come back into fashion?
  • Which of the five senses would you say is your strongest?
  • On a scale of 1-10 how funny would you say you are?
  • Who knows you the best?
  • Your worst pet peeve?
  • Do you have a catchphrase you say often? If so, what is it?

And that’s all for questions!

Thank you guys so much for reading and a special thank you to Ainsley and Eliana for nominating me! I appreciate it so much!

xx, Jasmin

100 followers Q&A: Part 1 *awkward peace sign*

Hey hey. Long time no see. Just kidding, it hasn’t been that long, ( edit: yes, Jasmin, it’s actually been a very long time, up ur game girl!!!) I just wanted to say that xD. How are you? I’m doing pretty good. I had a couple days of not feeling so great but I finally kicked the sickness and I’m starting to feel like myself 😀

Also, new rant topic: Corona Virus/ COVID-19: K so where I live in the US, literally EVERYTHING is getting shut down and yeah, I know its for a good reason and we don’t want to spread COVID-19 but seriously- I’m watching my whole social life go down. the. drain. And I value my social life. I like people and I like being around people. My softball season got postponed until April, public school has been canceled for 6 weeks (which doesn’t affect me because, I’m HOMESCHOOLED), all restaurants and bars have been limited to to-go ordering only, and stores are limited to 50 people.The stores where I live have absolutely NO toilet paper and the food supply is going downhill, s hopefully people ease up on their stocking up ;). Gatherings over 50 people are banned as are shaking hands and giving hugs. A Family from my church recently lost a mother and daughter in a head on car accident and people were expecting a large funeral-1,200 people even, but a gathering that large is against the law. So the family is having to have an invite-only funeral, picking only 50 people out of the all the people who knew and loved the Mother and daughter. NO ONE can give HUGS or SHAKE HANDS. It is so sad and heartbreaking. I imagine that prayers for the family would be appreciated. So yeah, thats my rant. Talk to me in the comments about it if you want 🙂

Let’s head on to the Q&A now! There were quite a few questions so I decided to split it up into separate posts, more content 😉 Thank you so much to anyone who asked me questions, I appreciate it SO MUCH!!!

okay, let’s go!

Christina’s questions:

1.starbucks order (or just fav drink)? hmmm tough one 😂 ( I’m gonna say this to every question though). My go-to order at Starbucks is a caramel white mocha blended, which is a really sweet drink, but I love sweet drinks 🙂 I also really like strawberry lime lemonades from dutch bros. It’s always super good and it’s a good no-coffee alternative for those days when u don’t want coffee 🙂
2. favorite book? I really really love The Fault in Our Stars, it’s so sad but it’s written so well imo! Also I love so many Historical fiction books about WWII so if you have any recommendations, let me know!
3. favorite movie? Another tough one 😉 I’m like the most indecisive person ever so welp. I really like all the Narnia movies, and I love the old Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, and I also just watched the Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and I really liked it 🙂
4. your favorite thing in your wardrobe? okay. I have had an obsession with green coats, like cargo/utility jackets? I got one at a yard sale when I was like 10 and ever since then they’ve been a staple in my wardrobe! The one I currently wear a lot looks something like this:

5. summer or winter? Probably summer, although I like winter some too. I live in an area where it rains A LOT and I don’t like the rain at all so yeah. Summer vibes are the best!
6. beach or mountains? It all depends on my mood. I LOVE the beach but I also LOVE the mountains. I have to say probably the beach, I love walking around the little tourist-y shops and playing in the sand and all the sun and waves and again: SUMMER VIBES ❤️
7. favorite meme? Ahhhh I have to choose?!? I look at memes way too much, but they’re great xD. I can’t pick a favorite so, here is one I like:

Very relatable ^^^^^

8. chocolate or candy? Oof, hard. It depends on my mood but overall I probably gotta say candy bc I love fruity candy like Mike&Ikes and skittles. But chocolate is bomb. So I can’t really pick 😂

CoffeeAndCream‘s question:

if you could visit any country, where would it be? hmmm… I had to think long and hard about this question. I feel like I would choose either Italy, Spain, or Greece? (I just realized these are very similar but oh welp 😂) I love the architecture of these countries and all the pictures I’ve seen are gorgeous. So yeah. Or France seems really fun and romantic and stuff 😂. I can’t even choose, I want to travel a TON when I’m older!

Elsie’s questions:

why did you start a blog? Good question! Originally I wanted to start a blog bc one of my friends, (Liberty) had one, and it seemed cool so ya know, I wanted to hop on the bandwagon or whatever 😂 But it took a couple years to convince my parents to let me get one and then randomly last year my mom was like ” so you want to get a blog?” and was like “sure, why not?!” So I started blogging with the idea in my mind that I could maybe eventually use my blog to earn some money (but if thats going to happen It will be far in the future) and also as a way to partner with companies and reviewing things! Lats month I got my first product to review so hopefully that post will be up soon!

what was the last book you read & movie you watched? Last book I read was Lovely War, (which was quite good) and the last movie I watched was The Help, which was also quite good!

where do you see yourself in 5 years time? Hmmm… I would love to have a good job, be in a relationship, being happy, enjoying being with people I love, and honestly just living a life for Jesus. Obviously, that might not be where God takes me but we’ll see!

Raegan‘s questions:

1. Do you like dogs? I LOVE dogs! I’m definitely more of a dog person than a cat person and I love how dogs are so personal, they honestly are man’s best friend!
2. Do you play any instruments?
No, sadly. Not yet anyways. I have a guitar but I am yet to learn how to play it yet. I hope to learn soon though!
3. Do you like coffee with cream or black?
Oh definitely with cream! I like lots of cream, little bit of coffee and some creamer/sweetener. I don’t know how people drink their coffee black?
4. Spring or Fall? I have to say spring. I love when it starts to be sunny again and all the flowers blooming are so pretty! Where I live, we get a pretty decent amount of rain in the fall, and as I mentioned above, rain is not a favorite of mine.
5. Easter or valentines? I’m gonna say Easter? I love going to church and singing all the Easter hymns, they give me chills! Valentine’s Day is a lot of fun though!

Mary’s Questions:

-What is your favorite thing about blogging? Ooooooo great question! I gotta say the people and blogosphere, everyone is so kind and welcoming and ahhh I just love y’all!!!
-Out of all of your posts, which one has been your favorite and why? Hmmmm… I really like my bullet journal posts and you guys also seem to enjoy them so that’s good! Some posts like my monthly recap, can be stressful and feel really time consuming to write, but since bullet journaling is something I do, its pretty easy to take pictures of the pages and upload them! I love bullet journaling and reading about how others bullet journal too!
-And what do you hope to accomplish with your blog? I would love to one day get some sort of income of my blog but thats a bug dream so I don’t know. Mainly I just hope I leave a positive impact on people, brighten their day, and spread the love and light of Jesus!

Okay, we’re gonna end this post here and I’ll pick up where I left off next time! Hope you enjoyed, let me know YOUR answers to these questions in the comments! Hope your day goes amazing, and I’ll be back with more posts soon! Thank you so much for all your AMAZING Questions!

xx, Jasmin


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